
Join Us

Membership in the FWCEBC is a great way to network and share educational experiences with fellow professionals from a variety of disciplines and organizations. Annual Dues are $300, additional members from the same company membership dues are $250.

Advantages of Being A Member

  • Seven Monthly Dinner meetings held between September and May
  • The speakers are experts who are on the leading edge of employee benefit issues.  Examples of past speakers include;  IRS/DOL Government Officials Each, Association of Private Pension & Welfare Plans, the President of the ERISA Industry
  • Holiday Party in December
  • Attend our educational conference held in the Spring at a reduced rate
  • Opportunity to network with plan sponsors, trustees, welfare and pension practicing professionals
  • The diversity of membership provides members with a unique opportunity to share ideas, problems and solutions from every prospective
  • Exclusive access to speakers presentations

Please click here today to 1) submit your application to join FWCEBC or renew your membership and 2) make your membership fee payment via PayPal (account not required) or receive payment information to direct a check to be mailed FWCEBC. For renewing members, we request that you also complete this application in order to confirm or update your information. If you have any questions regarding membership, please contact this year's membership chair, Pete Cardillo at (813) 875-4003 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..